Roadside Assistance

InsureDOC Roadside Assistance Contact Numbers

Looking for roadside assistance contact numbers? Get connected to a range of roadside assistance providers.

Auto & General: 0860 10 51 67

Cross Country: 0800 00 56 88

Discovery: 0860 99 99 11

Echelon: 0860 20 00 02

FSP: 0860 77 37 73

Hollard Easy: 0860 12 32 79

Legacy Global Choices: 0861 33 32 24

Legacy Customer Loyalty Services: 086 222 252

Lombard Broker Partners: 086 111 5049

MUA: 0861 00 06 82

PPS: 0860 77 74 57

Santam: 0860 50 59 11

SAU: 0800 00 28 83


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InsureDOC is an Authorised Financial Service Provider. FSP no. 13595